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  • Action F3 - Training of the project beneficiaries

    The aim of action F3: Training of project beneficiaries of the programme Life – Nature : “Greek Caves and Bats: Management Actions and Change of Attitude (GRECABAT) - LIFE17 NAT/GR/000522 is the training of the project beneficiaries staff via informal workshops and / or roundtables (e.g. working dinners, training nights on project sites) on the financial, technical and scientific aspects of the project implementation and management.

  • 2021: International Year of Caves and Karst
    Τhe forthcoming year has been declared by the International Union of Speleology (UIS) as the International Year of Caves and Karst.
  • Cave fauna of Greece

    Meta bourneti Simon, 1922. Psimaki Cave, Greece.

    Action Ε1 - Notice boards

    The notice boards of LIFE GRECABAT project are designed to give the basic information about the project, the partners, the funding, the species the habitat and the institutional status of the location of each project. Finally, they include basic safety warnings.

    Action E1 - Interpretation Signs

    The interpretation signs will be placed at the respective locations of the LIFE GRECABAT protection and restoration interventions.  They are designed to inform visitors about the importance of the sites for the species and habitat, the feasibility of the interventions and the rules of good behaviour.
