E1: Information and awareness raising activities
Within this action, a series of deliverables will contribute to informing and raising awareness among the public on natural environment management issues in general, and in particular on bats and their roosting sites and cave habitats. Τhe deliverables of the action include:
- Creation and management of project’s website
- Production and installation of nature interpretation signs and notice boards, presenting the conservation actions applied by the project, their purpose and the importance of the selected sites for species and habitat.
- Production of information and awareness material, in particular: a) a portable educational kit for primary and secondary schools, b) two leaflets, c) hats and a t-shirts with the project logo, d) stickers, and e) four (4) banners for events and seminars.
E2: Technical dissemination activities
This action includes:
- Dissemination plan
This regards the dissemination of the results of the program through the actions of the project. The dissemination plan is a necessary strategic tool for effectively implementing the dissemination actions of the program.
- TV-spots
Production of three 30-40 second television spots featuring bats, cave habitat & species, the ecosystem services they provide and their importance.
- VR application and demo
A virtual reality application (VR) will simulate the exploration of a cave focusing on cave life. The virtual reality application aims to provide a remote cave visit / exploration experience to everyone, as well as informing him about cave life. The purpose of the application is to promote alternative ways of highlighting cave habitats without the physical presence of visitors and can be applied to important caves or other roosting sites that are either inaccessible or vulnerable to human presence.
- Integration of LIFE GRECABAT in three information centers
The project will be integrated in three information centers close to the selected important caves or bat-roosting sites, in order to improve visitor's awareness on bats and cave conservation. In each information center an outline of the project interventions will be presented in relation to species and habitat importance and conservation needs on the specific site. At the information centers, the information material produced by the project will be used (TV spot, VR, leaflets, educational suitcase, etc.).
- Media work and organization of events
This action features press conferences and interviews to local and national media, publication of articles in regional and national press, media coverage of major events and project implementation in regional and national media; half-yearly press releases about the project's progress. The action is critical in order to address the existing lack of understanding the conservation value of the targeted species and habitat by the general public.
E3: Multiplying the impacts of the project
The action is necessary to achieve a wider transfer and replication of the methodologies proposed/demonstrated by the project at national and international level as well as in different species and habitats. This will be achieved through the elaboration of a “Transferability and Replication Strategy Report”. The action also aims to prepare two (2) business cases so that the solutions proposed by the project can be more easily adopted elsewhere.
In addition, networking with other projects is necessary in order to disseminate LIFE GRECABAT methodologies and approaches, but also to improve the knowledge based on the experience gained from the implementation of other projects.