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    Action Α2 - Technical Studies : Building

    The aim of Action A2 is to prepare the implementation of the concrete conservation action “C1: Protection, management and restoration of caves and other important roosting sites for bats” of the project Life-Nature: «Greek Caves and Bats: Management Actions and Change of Attitude» - LIFE17 NAT/GR/000522, providing the necessary technical details and specifications that are required for their successful implementation.

    Bats are not responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic
    With a joint notification, the Secretariats of the three international organizations (CMS, EUROBATS and AEWA) specify that for the outbreak and world spreading of COVID-19 pandemic, human activities and not bats are to be held responsible. The notification highlights that bats are on one hand necessary for human prosperity, while on the other, they are on a great extend threatened and protected by international conventions as well as the national legislation of many state-countries. The involvement of all associated Entities and citizens is deemed necessary for the prevention of misunderstandings and for the protection of wildlife.
    Action Α3: National Action Plan for 10 bat species

    National Action Plans (NPs) contain detailed and documented information on the biology, ecology, distribution, pressures and threats, conservation status and priorities, as well as the measures and actions proposed to be implemented in order to ensure an appropriate conservation status of the species. In particular, for European Union countries, Species SDSs are tools for achieving the objectives set in the context of the implementation of Directives 92/43/EEC and 2009/147/EC.


  • The third conference of LIFE GRECABAT in Kalavrita is postponed

    The LIFE GRECABAT team and the co-organizers decided to postpone the two-day conference on "Caves and underground life in the Municipality of Kalavrita: Towards an integrated protection and management". The conference was scheduled to take place on March 12 & 13, 2020 at the Cave of Lakes, Kastria and the Mansion of Paleologina in Kalavrita respectively.

  • Action D4: Relative analysis report / February 2020

    The purpose of the action is to select and record quality and quantitative performance indicators of the project. These indicators can be used to report the success of LIFE GRECABAT (based on paragraph 3 of Article 3 of the Life Regulation).
