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Action C2.2: Creation of a cost effective, transferable and replicable cave and bat monitoring system (Prototype)

A three unit data logging prototype was developed by the MAKERSPACE collaboration with and on behalf of the Hellenic Institute of Speleological Research (HISR / INSPEE) as part of the LIFE-GRECABAT project. The Troglometer is a set of battery-powered environment sensors, connected to datalogging devices, which are optimized for use in harsh and high-humidity environments. There are three main data-logging modules, which make up the Troglometer: a. TrogloCam for recording images with an infra-red sensitive camera, illuminated with an infrared spotlight, b. TrogloWater for recording conductivity and temperature in water reservoirs or water streams, and c. TrogloAir for recording temperature and relative humidity of the air, wind strength and direction as well as moisture in the soil and brightness of the ambient light. Additionally, there are two optional adapter modules as add-on: a)TrogloNet that connects up to three Troglometer modules to the Internet through an Ethernetadapter, and b) TrogloPort that connects a Troglometer module to a PC though a USB connection. The firmware of the Troglometer modules is programmed in ARDUINO-flavoured C++code. The source code is released as open-source free software, available under theterms of the GNU AGPL 3.0 licence and can be found on-line in thefollowing git repository: All design files are open-access and freelyavailable under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and can be found on-line at the following address: Construction and user’s manual are open-access and freelyavailable under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and are available on-line at the following address: